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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design, Hong Kong Design Institute (member of VTC Group) and Hong Kong Design Centre jointly present the Leadership Forum on Design Education.

The spectrum of design continues to expand in response to changes of the economy. There are many combinations of products and services existing within the continuum of goods-services. The traditional distinction between goods and services no longer exists in many cases. In consequence, service design today covers a wide spectrum of design from visible front end products to services designed to enhance user experiences by building better customer journeys supported by internal processes at the backstage of organisations.

The importance and awareness of service design have grown significantly over the last decade. It is well recognised in the design industry too. The industry has to anticipate evolving needs to enable business growth and social innovation.

However, business models and service-design models are not often well connected, or business models inherited from product design sometimes even exist in conflict with the needs of service design. What are the benefits design service and service design can bring to business? What are the challenges? How can design education bridge the gap?

This Leadership Forum will be a full-day event bringing together renowned leaders from industry and academia for high level discussions with a focus on Service Design and Business Models, aiming to provide insights to shape the future of design education.

PolyU Design HKDI HKDC


Last Update: November 28, 2018

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